Microsoft Teams pārvaldība

Kursā uzzināsi par dažādiem Microsoft Teams pārvaldības rīkiem, drošības un atbilstības līdzekļiem, tīkla prasībām Teams ieviešanai uzņēmumā, kā arī Teams konfigurēšanu un politikām lietotāju sadarbības un saziņas pārvaldībai.

Kursa ilgums, akadēmiskās stundas: 32
Cena (bez PVN): 1300,00 
Cena (ar PVN): 1573,00 
Pasniedz: Normunds Upenieks
Normunds Upenieks
Normunds Upenieks ir pieredzējis Baltijas Datoru Akadēmijas mācībspēks IT jomā. Pasniedzējs ir sertificēts Microsoft eksperts un treneris, kā arī sertificēts Microsoft Azure administrators. Sniedz teoriju un praktiskos piemērus IT jomā.

Pieteikties kursam:

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Paldies! Mēs ar Tevi sazināsimies.

Kursa mērķis

The MS-700T00 course is designed to provide an understanding of Microsoft Teams and its functionality for communication and collaboration in the workplace. The course covers topics such as creating and managing teams, channels, and meetings, as well as using collaboration tools such as OneNote and SharePoint within Teams. Participants will also learn how to customize Teams for their specific business needs and integrate third-party apps. The course aims to help participants optimize their use of Teams for increased productivity and streamlined communication.

Kursa mērķauditorija

Students in this course are interested in Microsoft Teams or in passing the Microsoft Teams Administrator Associate certification exam. A Microsoft Teams administrator plans, deploys, configures, and manages Microsoft Teams to focus on efficient and effective collaboration and communication in a Microsoft 365 environment. A Microsoft Teams administrator must be able to plan, deploy, and manage teams, chat, apps, channels, meetings, audio/video conferencing, live events, calling, and Teams certified devices. A Microsoft Teams administrator has experience integrating Microsoft Teams with SharePoint, OneDrive, Exchange, Microsoft 365 Groups, and other Microsoft, third-party, and custom apps. A Microsoft Teams administrator understands and collaborates with other workloads and roles, such as Network, Voice, Identity, Access, Devices, Licensing, Security, Compliance, Information management, and User Adoption.

Pēc mācībām tu spēsi

By actively participating in this course, you will learn about the following:

  • What is Microsoft Teams and how the components work together
  • How to implement Governance, Security and Compliance for Microsoft Teams
  • How to prepare an organizations environment for a Microsoft Teams deployment
  • How to deploy and manage teams
  • Ways of managing collaboration in Microsoft Teams
  • Techniques to manage and troubleshoot communication in Microsoft Teams
Kursa apmeklēšanas priekšnoteikumi
  • A proficient understanding of basic functional experience with Microsoft 365 services.
  • A proficient understanding of general IT practices, including using PowerShell.
Mācību materiāli

Elektroniski mācību materiāli Microsoft Learn mācību vidē
Piekļuve kursa praktisko darbu videi 180 dienas pēc kursa uzsākšanas

Sertifikācijas eksāmens

This course helps you prepare for the following Microsoft Certification exam:

MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams

Kursa programma

1. Get started with managing Microsoft Teams

  • Explore Microsoft Teams
  • Deploy and manage Microsoft Teams
  • Implement governance and lifecycle management for Microsoft Teams

2. Implement security and compliance for Microsoft Teams

  • Manage access for external users
  • Implement security for Microsoft Teams
  • Implement compliance for Microsoft Teams

3. Prepare the environment for a Microsoft Teams deployment

  • Transition from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams
  • Plan and configure network settings for Microsoft Teams

4. Manage chat, teams, channels, and apps in Microsoft Teams

  • Create and manage teams
  • Manage collaboration experiences for chat and channels
  • Manage apps for Microsoft Teams

5. Manage meetings and virtual events in Microsoft Teams

  • Manage meetings and virtual events experiences
  • Configure and manage Microsoft Teams devices

6. Manage calling in Microsoft Teams

  • Manage phone numbers
  • Manage Phone System for Microsoft Teams
  • Troubleshoot audio, video, and client issues

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