Microsoft informācijas aizsardzības administrēšana

Kursā apgūsi, kā aizsargāt informāciju Microsoft 365 vidē, respektīvi, kā nodrošināt datu pārvaldību un informācijas aizsardzību organizācijā. Kursā iemācīsies par datu noplūdes novēršanas politikām, sensitīvas informācijas veidiem, sensitivitātes etiķetēm, datu saglabāšanas politikām un Microsoft Purview ziņojumu šifrēšanu, kā arī par citām saistītām tēmām. Kurss palīdz sagatavoties Microsoft Information Protection Administrator eksāmenam (SC-400).

Kursa ilgums, akadēmiskās stundas: 32
Cena (bez PVN): 1050,00 
Cena (ar PVN): 1270,50 
Pasniedz: Viktors Meirāns


27. maijs, 2024 - 31. maijs, 2024
Viktors Meirāns
Cena (bez PVN):
Cena (ar PVN):

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Nodarbību grafiks:
27.05.2024 09:00-16:15
28.05.2024 09:00-16:15
29.05.2024 09:00-16:15
31.05.2024 09:00-16:15
Kursa mērķis

The SC-400T00 course is focused on providing an introduction to the fundamentals of Microsoft’s Azure security technologies and practices. In this course, participants will learn about Azure security technologies, including security management, identity and access management, platform protection, data and application protection, and incident response. Participants will also gain an understanding of Microsoft’s security management tools, such as Azure Security Center and Azure Sentinel, and learn how to implement and configure these tools to secure their Azure environments. Ultimately, the goal of the SC-400T00 course is to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to design and implement secure Azure environments that meet the evolving security challenges of today’s digital landscape.

Kursa mērķauditorija

The Information Protection Administrator plans and implements controls that meet organizational compliance needs. This person is responsible for translating requirements and compliance controls into technical implementation. They assist organizational control owners to become and stay compliant. They work with information technology (IT) personnel, business application owners, human resources, and legal stakeholders to implement technology that supports policies and controls necessary to sufficiently address regulatory requirements for their organization.

Pēc mācībām tu spēsi
  • Explain and use sensitivity labels.
  • Configure Data Loss Prevention policies.
  • Secure messages in Office 365.
  • Describe the information governance configuration process.
  • Define key terms associated with Microsoft’s information protection and governance solutions.
  • Explain the Content explorer and Activity explorer.
  • Describe how to use sensitive information types and trainable classifiers.
  • Review and analyze DLP reports.
  • Identify and mitigate DLP policy violations.
  • Describe the integration of DLP with Microsoft Cloud App Security (MCAS).
  • Deploy Endpoint DLP
  • Describe records management
  • Configure event driven retention
  • Import a file plan
  • Configure retention policies and labels
  • Create custom keyword dictionaries
  • Implement document fingerprinting 
Kursa apmeklēšanas priekšnoteikumi
  • Foundational knowledge of Microsoft security and compliance technologies.
  • Basic knowledge of information protection concepts.
  • Understanding of cloud computing concepts.
  • Understanding of Microsoft 365 products and services.
Mācību materiāli

Elektroniski mācību materiāli Microsoft Learn mācību vidē
Piekļuve kursa praktisko darbu videi 180 dienas pēc kursa uzsākšanas

Sertifikācijas eksāmens

Preparation for exam: SC-400

Kursa programma

1. Implement Information Protection in Microsoft 365:


  • Introduction to information protection and governance in Microsoft 365
  • Classify data for protection and governance
  • Create and manage sensitive information types
  • Describe Microsoft 365 encryption
  • Deploy message encryption in Office 365
  • Configure sensitivity labels
  • Apply and manage sensitivity labels

Lab: Implement Information Protection

  • Assign permissions for compliance
  • Manage Office 365 message encryption
  • Manage Sensitive Information Types
  • Manage Trainable Classifiers
  • Manage Sensitivity Labels

2. Implement Data Loss Prevention in Microsoft 365:


  • Prevent Data loss in Microsoft 365
  • Implement Endpoint data loss prevention
  • Configure DLP policies for Microsoft Cloud App Security and Power Platform
  • Manage DLP policies and reports in Microsoft 365

Lab: Implement Data Loss Prevention

  • Manage DLP policies
  • Manage Endpoint DLP
  • Test DLP policies
  • Manage DLP reports

3. Implement Information Governance in Microsoft 365:


  • Govern information in Microsoft 365
  • Manage data retention in Microsoft 365 workloads
  • Manage records in Microsoft 365

Lab: Implement Information Governance

  • Configure Retention Labels
  • Implement Retention Labels
  • Configure Service-based Retention
  • Use eDiscovery for Recovery
  • Configure Records Management

Ja vēlies iegūt vairāk informācijas par šo kursu, sazinies ar mums pa tālruni 67505091 vai raksti mums e-pastu uz