Scrum Product Owner Certified (SPOC™)
Kurss iepazīstina mācību dalībniekus ar Agile projektu vadības metodiku un Scrum projektu vadības ietvaru. Tas palīdz izprast Product Owner lomu projektos un sagatavoties Scrum Product Owner Certified (SPOC™) sertifikācijas eksāmenam.
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Kursa mērķis
This course is designed to help you to prepare for Scrum Product Owner Certified (SPOC™) certification exam. Product Owner represents the interests of the stakeholders in the Scrum Team. Commonly called ‘the voice of the customer’, the Product Owner is responsible for ensuring clear communication of product or service functionality requirements. The Product Owner also prioritizes the requirements from the point of view of an end user, for maximum business benefit, defines the Acceptance Criteria, and ensuring those criteria are met.
Kursa mērķauditorija
Product owners, project managers, project stakeholders responsible for design, delivery and acceptance of project results.
Pēc mācībām tu spēsi
- To apply the concepts of SPOC™ in their day to day job.
- To pass SPOC™ certification exam
Kursa apmeklēšanas priekšnoteikumi
There is no formal prerequisite for this training course. However, SDC™ or SMC™ Certified professionals will be able to better understand the concepts required for successful passing SPOC™ certification exam
Mācību materiāli
- A Guide to Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide) by SCRUMstudy.
- Student book
Sertifikācijas eksāmens
SPOC™ certification exam
Kursa programma
1. Agile and Scrum Overview:
- What is Agile?
- Why use Agile?
- The Agile Manifesto
- Principles of the Agile Manifesto
- Agile Methods
- Other Agile Methods
- Scrum Overview
- Scrum Summary
2. Scrum Roles:
- The Product Owner
- The Scrum Team
- The Scrum Master
- Advantages of Cross-functional Teams
3. Planning in Scrum:
- Scrum Flow
- Requirements in Scrum
- Prioritizing the Product Backlog
- Adaptive Project Management
- Scrum Planning
- User Stories
- The Concept of Persona
- Acceptance Criteria
- Generic Done Criteria
- Criteria for a Good User Story
- Estimation
- Importance of Value
- Risk Burndown Graphics
- Scrum Board
4. Sprint Planning:
- Sprints (from Product Owner’s point of view)
- Sprint Planning Meeting
- Planning Game
- Task Estimation
- The Sprint Backlog
5. Implementation of Scrum:
- Daily Stand-up Meeting
- Sprint Review Meeting
- Sprint Retrospective Meeting
- Product Backlog Grooming
6. Scrum for Large Projects:
- Scrum for Large Projects
- The Chief Product Owner
- Distributed teams in Scrum
- Transition to Scrum
- Mapping Traditional Roles to Scrum
- Maintaining Stakeholder Involvement
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